Are Coding Skills Necessary WordPress Website

Are Coding Skills Necessary to Run a WordPress Website

are coding skills necessary

Before starting a blog, people always ask a question “are coding skills necessary to run a WordPress website“. This can be tricky because not everyone is knowledgeable about such concepts.

For most of the people, starting a WordPress website means something technical is involved. They have no idea about how WordPress works.

To make it clear, you should always try to read about this amazing platform and you will come to know how easy it is to handle a WordPress website.

Are coding skills necessary? Are you afraid of starting your own blog? In this article, you will get the answers to all of your questions.

What do You Really Need for a WordPress Website

Before you judge this platform, you should know what’s required to run a WordPress blog.

WordPress is a user-friendly content management system which requires its basic understanding. There are WordPress plugins which handle everything for you.

You don’t need any technical skills to install a WordPress plugin or the theme.

If you’re thinking about starting your own blog and make money, you would be happy to know that it’s possible without any coding skills.

There are thousands of developers who are trying to reduce the manual efforts by developing new plugins for every single work required for a website.

What’s required for a website?

  1. Domain Name
  2. Web Hosting
  3. Theme
  4. Plugins

None of the above needs technical knowledge.

Domain name is the name of your website which can be bought from any domain name service provider company.

The web hosting is the space your website needs to host its data on the web. There are many reliable companies.

Settings up a WordPress website is so easy. Nowadays, you don’t even need anything technical to install WordPress.

You can use the one-click WordPress installation. The above-mentioned companies provide this feature.

#WordPress Theme

There are many free themes available in the WordPress directory which can be used to start a new website.

Though if you need a better design, you can either buy a premium theme or hire a web designer who can provide the design of your choice. There are some reputed theme providers.

And if you need a custom design then you can contact us.

A WordPress theme decides the user experience to a greater extent. People like to visit a website which is attractive with an elegant design.

#WordPress Plugins

Here is an answer to your question “are coding skills necessary“. There are thousands of free plugins present in the WordPress repository which help you accomplish your tasks without any coding skills.

You just need to choose the right WordPress plugin which can do the work for you.

Once you start using WordPress, these things wouldn’t be so hard for you. It’s one of the most reputed and the easiest platforms you have ever used.

There are some important WordPress plugins which are required just after installing WordPress.

To run a successful website, you should know how many plugins are too many and which plugin is good for your website.

You need to be very specific. Though it doesn’t require any kind of technical knowledge, having a basic understanding of WordPress and its plugins is important.

Can a Non-technical Person Start His Own WordPress Blog

You have already had an answer to this question. You can start a WordPress blog in your break time. It takes only 20 minutes to install WordPress, a theme, and all the plugins.

WordPress is a platform which is for the people who are busy with their work and want to start a side venture.

Many business owners, writer, entrepreneurs with no technical skill are using WordPress and loving it. It’s because no one needs to touch even a single line of the code.

When I started using WordPress, I had no clue about the coding languages but I was enjoying using WordPress because it never required any technical skills.

Though it’s not 100% true because to have a secure website, you should always learn a few other things which may require a few technical skills.

But you don’t need any codes, you can find the solution to your problem on BloggingLove.

What do You Think? Are Coding Skills Necessary?

If you have been using WordPress for quite a time, you may have experienced how easy it is.

Does WordPress need anything you can’t do without coding? Can’t you run a successful just using its plugins? You should learn the basics and everything will seem so easy.

It’s one of the biggest misconceptions that people need to get rid of is that WordPress is only for technical users. There is nothing like that.

It’s for everyone whether the person is technically skilled or not. Are coding skills necessary? What do you think? If you have any doubt, feel free to ask.

You can also connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Happy Monday ?

    Interesting topic of discussion because I know many people DO fear codes, including me, so they carry this misconception for sure! However, as you mentioned, these are only the initial fears, which you overcome once you start a blog, and ideally, a non-blogger or lay person can easily start on a free Blogger or WordPress platform, where you don’t need any codes at all.

    Coding is fun and easy to learn, so I have heard and seen people really get involved for hours learning the tricks and know how, and there is no limit to the amount you can create while coding also. But it is not everyone’s cup of tea, as you do need a little technical know-how about it all. The basic coding one can do, not the deeper stuff.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead ?

    1. Hey Harleena,

      Coding is fun only if you like to play with it. It can be brainstorming sometimes.

      But when you use WordPress, you don’t any advanced level coding skills. Just the basic use of WordPress is enough to run a successful blog. In my starting days, I used to be a non-techie guy but now it’s a totally different story.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    That’s true, coding skills are not neccessary to run a WordPress website but knowing how to code is a plus point. I also don’t have a coding knowledge, still, I successfully manage my WordPress blogs.

    Sometimes I feel, we should know css to make the design better. Because, I feel applying a small code is much better than installing a plugin because that affects the website speed eventually.

    That is the main reason I’ve started learning html and css both.

    Thanks for sharing the awesome stuff, many people think that knowing how to code is mandatory for building a wordpress blog.



    1. Hey Shubhanshi,

      HTML and CSS can surely put a positive impact on your website experience. You can have fun with the design and can avoid a few plugins.

      Most of the people are confused when they hear about starting a blog. WordPress is a platform which gives them an opportunity to do everything with any techie stuff.

      Good for you. You should definitely learn these basic languages.


  3. Hello, Ravi!

    Nope, there’s no need to be a coder to run the WordPress-backed site.

    And I am the live example of it; I am not a coder at all and don’t know a bit of HTML, CSS, PHP, etc. but still I’ve been running my blog for years. ?

    In case I run into any issues, Google is my best teacher. ?

    Having the site setup and taking advantage of the vast number of plugins will make your job so easire!

    So, thank you! ?

    ~ Adeel

    1. Hey Adeel,

      That’s the power of WordPress. Its plugins make everything so easy. You can add any extra feature with a simple use of the plugins.

      I have been using it for a very long time and it’s always good to see how glorious the journey has been.

      Thanks for your input.


  4. Hi Ravi,

    Valuable Information!

    I agree with you coding skills aren’t necessary for running a wordpress website.

    I had one misconception that all plugins slow down the website equally. But through your previous article i came ko know that it’s poorly coded plugins that we should avoid.

    Your article will be very helpful for people who are not starting their blog thinking that coding skills are a must for running wordpress.

    I will tweet your post.

    Thanks a lot for sharing.

  5. Hi Ravi,

    Personally, I don’t think that you need to have any coding skills to run a WordPress blog. Like you said, all you need are a domain and hosting account.

    Sure it doesn’t hurt to learn how to take care of some issues if they arise. Like dealing with WordPress plugin PHP errors. I know that I’ve run into those types of errors with some of my clients’ blogs.

    The great thing is that you can always go to the WordPress forum or hire someone to take care of those issues for you if you’re scared to tackle it yourself.

    I think that the more you use WordPress on a daily basis. You’ll start to get familiar with it and realize that it’s not as difficult as some people make it seem.

    It does take time, I know that it took me a while before I really could find my way around it.

    These tips should help people get their blog started if they’ve been holding back because they feel like they are not techie enough.

    Thanks for sharing and I’ll be sure to pass this along.

    Have a great day ?


  6. Hi Ravi,

    Happy Tuesday ?

    Recently, I moved from the Blogger free platform to a self-hosted WordPress and I’m enjoying it already. Being skillful and a Badass Coder is good when it comes to WordPress platform. But, it is not a must – this is why I love WordPress.

    The steps to launching a WordPress blog is as easy as the word count: A, B, C, D… etc. If you can recite the A-Z alphabets of the English Language, you can run a successful WordPress blog. However, I hope the easy-to-follow steps here will help rip off the “WordPress Phobia” from those who are yet to join this ‘sweet’ platform.

    Thanks for sharing ?

    – Prince.

  7. Hey Ravi

    It’s good to be here on Blogging Love once again. I remembered the day when I decided to start my own blog. That time, I don’t have any idea and I was like, I have to hire a web developer kind of person but when I got to know about WordPress, I fall in love with that. It is that easy and quick.

    Thanks to 10th Grade IT Class where I learned basic HTML coding that is helping me even now. Basic HTML helps me in formatting and some other basic functions.

    Anyways thank you for the post. It is fun to read that.

  8. Hey Ravi,

    I was really apprehensive before starting because I had the same misconception that it requires hard-core coding skills for creating a WordPress blog/website.

    But, the themes, plugins simplify the work so much!

    And after reading this post and comments, it feels great to see so many people on the same page!

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